Lunes, Agosto 15, 2011

what is traditional witchcraft

What is Traditional Witchcraft?

Traditional Witchcraft is a term that was introduced to refer to the aboriginal spiritual traditions of Europe. There really is no collective historical term that could be used to refer to these traditions, so the use of the term Traditional Witchcraft fit quite nicely. Those who follow these traditional ways are often referred to as Traditionalists. 

Unfortunately, in an effort for Traditionalists to define their cultural beliefs and traditions which varied dramatically from those proposed within the Neo-Pagan movement, somehow the term Traditional Witchcraft was also adopted by those who became disenchanted with Neo-Paganism and its Wiccan counterpart. Still others adopted the term Traditional Witchcraft as a rebellious movement against the fluffy bunny goodness and light that seemed to be manifesting itself within Paganism. Of course, this deviated so incredibly from the definition of Traditional Witchcraft and from those who actually are Traditionalists.
These forums will primarily focus on Traditional Witchcraft as it refers to the old traditions of the Ancestors and will embrace family traditions, reconstructionalists, and others who seek to follow the ways of the ancestors and honor the land in accordance with tradition. There are also areas within the forums for the discussion of the more sorcerous persuasions of Traditional Witchcraft such as those contained within Sabbatic Witchcraft.

traditional witchcraft

Welcome to the Traditional Witchcraft Forums

The Traditional Witchcraft Forums are a place to discuss and learn about traditionally based paths. Particular emphasis is placed on the the traditions of Ireland, the British Isles, and Northern Europe. However, discussions concerning the aboriginal spiritual traditions of Europe are welcome including family traditionalists, reconstructionalists, pre-Gardnerian traditions, and others who continue the ways of the Ancestors regardless of what they might call themselves.
The forum also welcomes those who follow other European based traditions that identify with Traditional Witchcraft such as Sabbatic Craft traditions as well as those who identify with the works of Andrew Chumbley, Nigel Jackson, and Robert Cochrane.
The information contained herein is solely from the perspective of each individual poster and should be evaluated based on prior experiences and studies.

Traditional Witchcraft


Miyerkules, Agosto 3, 2011

the wiccan



Well you may notice that one person is clever than other and so some times you may be disturbed, as science has proved that a human being uses only 2%-3% of his brains and the rest remains unexploited. And you may be knowing that people like nostradamus etc, you may think that how he could predict future, this is because he had extra sensory powers this is possible only if we use more then the 2-3% of our brain power. Now this is possible by this powerful bracelet, it will increase  your extra sensory powers and once you wear it it will start effecting your brain and you will discover a new life full of power as by concentration you will be able to predict the future and will come to know what is going to happen etc.

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                               Puzuzu Things...
   Spells, white magic, ceremonial magic, incantations, candle magic,
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   "Dabble" will pay the Piper.